About Me

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Houston, TX
I am a teacher and coach at Westbury Christian School. I am married to the the wonderful Shara Martin, and have two of the greatest children, Evelyn Rose-2yrs, and Jackson-6 months

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

There Is a First Time For Everything!

Each day is new day. A day to start over, or continue where you left off. Today, I decided to start something new; I would write my own blog. This is old to a lot of people but very new to me. I am not an author, so forgive the grammatical mistakes or the boring topics.

The thought to do this came to me while teaching a bible class at church. I was telling some stories about conversations or experiences I have had while teaching and coaching. So, I thought I would start to journal some of them and sharing them with other people. I was recently at a basketball clinic in Pittsburgh, PA where I heard Coach Don Meyer speak and he spoke about giving your gift away. So, I thought by writing a blog on various experiences teaching and coaching I could pass on the blessings I have received, the lessons learned, and the moments that have helped define who I am.

Well I am going to try and see how it goes, and at least I can say I tried and mark it off my bucket list-write my own blog. That reminds me of one of my favorite sayings: There are two pains in life- pain of discipline or the pain or regret-which do you choose? (Some of you reading this might actually say there are three pains in life- one being reading this blog)

I hope you enjoy.


  1. The first step in a masterpiece.
    Tim Riggins

  2. Russ - so proud of you! I think this is a wonderful idea - I miss you each and everyday! I learned a lot from in youth - I look forward to all I can learn in adulthood!!!! Love you!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world. I've only been doing it for 2 months myself, so I can relate to where you are at.

    I like your fav saying :)
