About Me

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Houston, TX
I am a teacher and coach at Westbury Christian School. I am married to the the wonderful Shara Martin, and have two of the greatest children, Evelyn Rose-2yrs, and Jackson-6 months

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does the Inside Match the Outside?

Who are you? I give the illustration sometimes about purchasing items at the store. You go to the shelf and choose your item usually based on the outside of the box, you expectation is what’s on the outside matches what’s on the inside. You never open the box in the store and try it first, that would be rude yet funny. You have to trust that you are getting what you paid for. Think how disappointing it would be when you got home and opened up the box and something totally opposite of your expectations came out of the box.
Let’s say you were given an index card and told to write your name on the front and pin it to your chest. Now we were going to use that card to play the match game. Here are the rules-on the side opposite of your name, the side pinned to your chest; God is going to write all the word and phrases that describe who you are. God should know, He created you, He knows what is in your heart, and He is with you all the time. On the outside of the card, the side where you name is, your friends will now write who they think you are. They should know because they are your friends, they are with you all the time. Now take the card off your chest and look. Do the words on the inside-God’s words-match the words on the outside-your friends words? Try the game this way; God writes the words on the inside and you write the words on the outside. Do they match?
Just like the store illustration, it is very rewarding when the outside of the box matches the inside of the box. It is also very rewarding when God’s description of us match the same description given by others. I want to be good in God’s sight, and since God measures the inside, the inside is where I do all my work. The problem becomes when I change the outside to please people forgetting about what’s on the inside and what I truly want to be. I need the outside to match the inside. Is what’s inside my box match the advertising on the front of the box?


  1. Yes. Great post! My analogy would be when you press the Diet Coke button and get a Dr. Pepper!!!! AAGH!!! Miss you brother.
