About Me

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Houston, TX
I am a teacher and coach at Westbury Christian School. I am married to the the wonderful Shara Martin, and have two of the greatest children, Evelyn Rose-2yrs, and Jackson-6 months

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alert: National Appreciate the Forgotten Things Day.

No, its not a national holiday, but I think it should be. Maybe if I explain why it should be a holdiay, more people will catch on-and then poof it will be on all pocket calendars, desk calendar, etc.
Every Saturday, I coach a 5th and 6th grade spring basketball league. There are two very interesting charaters that attend, they are twins, and one is never there with out a hat on! Yes, a hat at basketball camp! For 3 weeks I wanted to ask about the hat, but was afraid. I did not want to offend him in anyway. I finally decided I had to ask, so I did and the anwer and the conversation that followed, is what led me to be the number one activist for: National Appreciate the Forgotten Things Day!
It all started with the simple question, "Why do you always wear a hat?" The answer, "I like hats!" That simple! I kept prodding, there had to be more. He began to tell me that hats were on his list of the greatest inventions ever. He has a list? Now there is some exciting news, I was now on to something. I had to ask, "What else is on the list?" He began to run down some very obvious things that would be universal to any list-air conditioning, refregiration, microwaves, hats, and pockets. Whoa! I stopped him at pockets. He began to remind me how important pockets were. Where would you put your keys? Were would you keep your money? I was now a reborn fan of pockets. He was right! I had forgotten the importance of pockets.
So today when you look down to put your keys in your pockets, take time to thank your pockets for being invented. Besides, what do you call shorts with out pockets- underwear.